(To read testimonials from people in numerous countries: http://www.dannybritt.com/reviews.htm)
I've been hearing from Drummers all around the world for years, especially because of my website and Youtube videos. It seemed that the only reality of me teaching them was in person - meaning if they come to the U.S. - or I happen to be in their country! Now with Skype (Webcam), the reality has changed!
What is also neat about this is - Skype has a chat/instant message option. I can type 70 Words Per Minute - and through our Skype lesson - I can type you notes, stickings, instructions - at the same time! In addition, I can post relevant links, whether it be a drum video, a web site with notation, etc! In addition, I can at once upload any files (pictures, notation of my book, etc!) It's a whole new way of teaching -- and with a Global Reach!
And you can pay via mail or Paypal. Here is a link: Make Paying Easy with Paypal: www.Paypal.com
To get started, or if you have questions, email, call, or add me to Skype (Username: danbritt1): Dan@DannyBritt.com
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